Julie's Dress Diaries

Herein lie my attempts at both blogging and creating period clothing for various locations and times of the Renaissance. Enjoy

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Problem Solved

Hubby to the rescue. I knew marrying a web designer would come in handy. ;)
He has kindly altered my blogger template to include thumbnails and links to my past and current projects. What a clever boy he is! Thank you, love!

So, here is the deal, if you wanna look at any of my projects, they're right there up top. I will keep this particular page around as both a directory to my others (since people already know this address) and as a fun little commentary that may or may not be costume related, and will most likely mention if any of my diaries have been updated.

To that end, I've updated the orange courtesan and green venetian diaries with wrap-up posts. And I've updated hubby's site with some new designs and blackwork sketches. And I got some design concepts down on the flemish peasant diary.

That's all for now. Whew, glad that's all arranged and in order. Now I only have to worry about sewing and taking pics. ;-)


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