Julie's Dress Diaries

Herein lie my attempts at both blogging and creating period clothing for various locations and times of the Renaissance. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Useless Accessorizing!

Apparently flea furs, or fur tippets, or sables, or whatever you prefer to call them were all the rage in ye olde times, and I've decided that I need to have one. And since the mink I found on ebay came with very creepy little plastic eyes and an even creepier little crookedly set nose, I decided I needed to gussy it up (in other words, hide its face to make me feel less guilty for carrying around a little dead thing). In my defense, I bought a vintage fur, so the poor things were already long gone before they got to me....(ducks PETA).

Animal cruelty issues aside, this is a pretty awesome looking accessory:

unknown lady, by Segar

Onto the process: I molded a bit of sculpee around my mink's plastic wrapped head:

tippet bottom

tippet top

So, um, possibly the glowing bejeweled red eyes are creepier than the little plastic eyes the thing came with, but they're certainly more festive. After I made indentions for the jewels, I baked the clay, spray-painted it gold and glued all the gems back in. Its pretty creepy, but also exactly what I was going for:

my tippet

zoom from painting

Of course, to have it be more like the painting I should do matching guilded paw-covers. But seriously, those kinda creep me out (more than glowing red eyes), so maybe I won't. Also, I'm lazy.

That is all my guilded creepy animal news for the day.


Blogger Beth said...

That is just magnificently creepy. Creeptastic, in fact.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Allessia said...

OK I have been reading your blog (and Beth's) for some time now, but that is just FANTASTIC. I want a little dead critter for my very own. Please post more detailed instructions on how you made that head. Did you bake the critter itself? or just the head and then squanch it on? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
You guys are just so much fun!

10:24 PM  
Blogger Abigael said...

Haha. Whoa. Nicely authentic, but... it looks... dead?

12:58 AM  
Blogger Julebug said...

Allessia--I will pull together a better directions post for you over the weekend.
In short, you form the clay over the critter's plastic wrapped head, remove clay, bake it sans critter, let it cool, make sure it still fits the head, paint, bejewel and put back on the critter.

Abigail--its dead as can be--a vintage mink stole from ebay. And dead=creepy.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is Brilliant and Terrifying!

11:32 PM  

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