Julie's Dress Diaries

Herein lie my attempts at both blogging and creating period clothing for various locations and times of the Renaissance. Enjoy

Friday, March 23, 2007

Whelp Book

As Beth mentioned in her last post, she and I will be joining Her Majesty's Hounds and playing in the Virginia Renaissance Faire for its 2007 season. This was the same group that we volunteered with last fall, and it clearly made a good impression. I'm very excited to be joining them and their cause full time. Since Beth has already covered this, you've probably guessed what's coming...the decoration of my charge book for the group:

Its a pretty simplistic little book, covered in lambskin and bound with embroidery floss. I'd like to decorate the leather, but couldn't get hold of my dad's leatherworking kit before this particular assignment was due (procrastinate, me?). I might try to posh it up in the future, but i'm so in love with the texture of this lambskin that maybe I won't... I do still have to braid and bead the second bookmark string, but I figured that'd be good car-work for later.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More Underwears!

Just finished the red silk petticoat that I've been wanting. Its red silk dupioni, that I machine washed, so its not crisp silk anymore, more flowy. I kinda liked it better crisp, but I think having it be easily washable will make my future easier. The guards are a wine wool gabardine. I really like it paired with my jacobean jacket:

It looks pinker here than in person. The front has a bit of a swoopy wrinkle in it (funny how i'm ommitting that picture, eh?). I'm not quite sure how to fix that, and i'm also not sure if it bothers me enough to try. We shall see....

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blind Eyelets

I'm home recovering from yet another eye surgery, so what better to drive me nuts than to sew 40 eyelets into a corset when I can't really see them? Hubby was very kind to thread the needles for me, since I can't see that. Luckily, I've done enough eyelets by now that I can do them without really needed to see the fine detail. ;)

So, without further ado, the effigy corset:

Its got lacing in the back, too, with a gap to allow for weightloss, which I hope to have. Hehe.
I've been eye-ing Beth's effigy for a good while now, and now I definitley know what all the fuss was about. This is comfy and so very cute, if i do say so myself!